
Sunday, 8 September 2013

Control System For A Small Industries With Low Budget & High Performance

GUI Based Temperature & Level Indicator And Controller Using  Internet Connectivity To Control From Any Where 

Hello Friends Now here we design a one control system for a small industries,so that automation can also be possible in the small low budget  industries with Automatic Control loop with Control Panel &  Internet control panel so that they can observe & control sys  from any where in the world. 

Right Now basically cover only Two Close Loop  1 )  Temperature
                                                                               2)  Level

Here is the block diagram of the concept which we had design system.

In our control system is mainly divide in to 4 part
1.  The sensor and transmitter at the Plant Field
2. The Heart of the system 89V51RD2 Controller + ADC0808
3. Graphical  User-Interface At Control Room or Internet Panel.
4. Actuator And Display of the system   ( Feed pumps, Buzzer Alarms,LCD Display)  

Part 1   The sensor and transmitter at the Plant Field

We have used IR-Sensor for Level measurement of the fluid.Which consist of the pair of  one Transmitter and one receiver. So that by reflection of the IR-wave will give the information of the level of the fluid. See the basic concept of it in the figure  

The Output of the Receiver is changed according to the distance of the liquid form it. It is Directly proportional to Voltage generated at output.

For Temperature Measurement 

We had used LM35  temperature sensor, Which will give output accordance to the Current temperature and then it is calibrated in the Celsius or Fahrenheit as our requirement.  It is Directly proportional to Voltage generated at output 10mV/'C.   

The output of the sensror are ANALOG so they are  Given to the ADC0808 to convert it into the DIGITEL form as our controller is DIGITEL CONTROLLER 

2. The Heart of the system 89V51RD2 Controller + ADC0808

We Have used 89V51RD2 Micro-controller for the controlling of the our system because of some Features like it
  1. ISP  system so that we can load our program easily into this and its.   
  2.  5 V operating voltage from 0 MHz to 40 MHz
  3. 16/32/64 kB of on-chip flash user code memory with ISP and IAP
  4. Supports 12-clock (default) or 6-clock mode selection via software or ISP
  5. SPI and enhanced UART
  6. PCA with PWM and capture/compare functions
  7. Four 8-bit I/O ports with three high-current port 1 pins (16 mA each)
  8. Three 16-bit timers/counters
  9. Programmable watchdog timer
  10. Eight interrupt sources with four priority levels
  11. Second DPTR register
  12. Low EMI mode (ALE inhibit)
  13. TTL- and CMOS-compatible logic levels.


We had selected 0808 for the more Analog input can be added to it, as 0804 has 1 input analog input channel but 0808 has 8 analog input channels. Right now we had used 2 input only but for future expansion can also be considered here. that why we used ADC0808. 

Here is the basic Circuit of 89V51RD2 + ADC0808 Design in PROTEUS

3. Graphical  User-Interface At Control Room or Internet Panel.

We Basically Two Control panel are their : 1) SERVER CONTROL PANEL
                                                                 2) INTERNET CONTROL PANEL  


Here i have uploaded some control panel picture in below so you can understand the concept of it GUI + CONTROL of the sys.

Server Control Panel

Internet Panel Basically Design for the multi-control of the one System From any where in the world . 

This Internet Control Panel can be operated form any where from the world so the owner can see the Live status of their company . And also they have option to change the limits and set points. Maximum 254 Internet panels are see and control the panel.

4.Actuator And Display of the system   ( Feed pumps, Buzzer Alarms,LCD Display,Actuator )

Now if any system is their then controlling variable is controlled by the final control element which can be a Pump,switch,motor , valve any type of the actuator according to their system it is their . 

Now here i used the Pump as final controlling element . Two pump are their one is in flow and out flow. if the level is to low the in flow will automatically start and fill the water and if the level is to high then out flow will start and take out the water from the tank and maintain the level in the tank.

12 V DC Pump

This as Actuator for the system , it can also be Switch of control valve.

Now for Local Display  

Here i used JHD 16x2 LCD 



This will show the status of the parameter locally at the near the instrument so the worker can see the parameter that that place .

Critical situation Alarm 

For the Critical situation a alarm is place, which will give a voice alarm to the operator or worker the site of the instrument for inform them about the critical action so they can take required step about it clear that. 

Here i used the Small 4-20V DC volt Which give a beep on getting volts.

Description Of System To The Final To Industrial Site

We all know that the Automation of the industry always going to have good profit and More safety to our worker and also for large costly instrument ,  But For a small industrialist it is very costly to use PLC ,SCADA , DCS in small industry,So my Business Concept is to provide a Full-automation to small industry within their budget By design a their controlling Instrument using High frequency Controller and GUI software like Visual basic ,lab-view, Mat-labe,& GUI softwares. So That the small industry can also get a automation with according to their low budget + high reliable their industry  system with low man power & high profit output. In this system if they want we can also add the new feature  internet view or internet  control panel, so that the small industrialist can also see their company status form home or outside as we know  industrialist don't have manager in their company by have Android software + computer software for observation of status . so they have all type of function in low Budget More Profit. I would like to give a automation to low budget company with their requirement and output criteria. 

Here i had Maid one Live  system which is Analogous to the industrial process .  So we can easily get idea about the live real industrial system by this small model. The model is operating live so we can get real idea of function and working . We can also add PID Tunning in this System by adding much more function as per the required of the Client and function.

Blog writing is in progress please wait .........  Thank you 


  1. Hi, Have you posted the source code? I am very interested in this project.


  2. this is very interesting, in which kind of application we can use this system ?
    please i need more details about this .. please send me what you have
